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Why Elephants

I have to admit that my love for elephants has not been a life long infatuation. My affection has been growing throughout the past couple of years, and the time Jared and I have spent in Southeast Asia has been especially influential in this.

Not only is it possible to see these amazing creatures throughout the region, which previously I had only seen in American zoos, but also the extent to which they are treasured is quite fascinating.

As my love for the animal has enhanced, so has a collection of souvenirs. In fact, not only I am known to purchase elephant memorabilia for myself, but am guilty of starting collections for others as well. (I think one of my grandmothers may have a heard beginning on a living room dresser).

I have collected elephants throughout the world and of all different materials from woodcarvings to jade. I am intrigued each time I see one whether from a street vender or in a boutique with antiques. One reason I enjoy collecting them is because they are supposed to be positive animals that bring good luck. Who wouldn’t want that around?!

Elephants have many wonderful qualities that give people reason to appreciate them. They are respected. Considered courageous, royal and sacred. They are extremely intelligent and have incredible longevity. Elephants also have a strong sense of loyalty to their families, allowing them to maintain close supportive relationships throughout generations. To me, it is the connection and bond that they have within their families that makes them so admirable.

The first time I had the opportunity to see elephants in person was in Bali, Indonesia a year and a half ago. It was fantastic day! My parents and sister flew out to SE Asia to join Jared and me for a family vacation. The five of us had the most wonderful summer, including this elephant encounter. We visited, petted and even rode the elephants in the jungle of Ubud. It was then that my joy was clear and the desire to have experiences with them was sparked.

That being said, I believe that my greatest thrill will occur at the beginning of next year. With constant overseas traveling for over two years and having a destination wedding, Jared and I didn’t feel rushed to go on our honeymoon immediately following our June wedding. Instead, we decided to wait until January (just over half a year into our first year of marriage). For our honeymoon we will be going on an African safari!!

My main objectives for our honeymoon include: enjoying every single moment with the most wonderful man in the world, taking an absurd amount of pictures and of course, seeing the elephants!! I simply cannot wait to witness all of the amazing animals in their natural habitats.

As you can see, there are many reasons to love elephants, and I am chasing them around the world, collecting one souvenir at a time and waiting for my next experience.
